Dreams Meant for You

A little reminder from fellow yoga teacher Sara Clark this week:

Repeat after me:

My dreams are meant to manifest.

They would not be within me if they were not for me.

I speak things into existence.

The dreams that are planted inside of you are not there by accident. They serve to motivate you to achieve your highest self.

If you went to primary school any time between the late 80s and mid 2000s you probably came across this cheesy poster adorning classroom bulletin boards:

As a kid, I rolled my eyes at this empty platitude broadly aimed at shaming kids out of cheating or bullying. But the older I get, the more it rings true. Who we are to become starts without how we think about and talk to ourselves.

If we believe that our dreams are accidental or useless, beyond our reach or too expansive, then that's what they become.

Start speaking those dreams into existence. Start by speaking to yourself.

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