Journey of the Soul
One of my biggest insecurities as a yoga teacher is that for a long time, I struggled to connect to the practice of meditation.
And then I tried the meditation I'm sending you for free below, what is known as the kirtan kriya, from the kundalini yoga tradition.
It was the most powerful spiritual experience I had ever had. I finally understood what so many others had shared about the power of meditation.
Sometimes it doesn't happen for us until we find the medium, the right teacher, the right opportunity, the right conduit for our energy to meet with that of the universe. And then everything flows, and we can feel that our soul is grooving along on the journey. Different strokes for different folks. Give it a try and let me know what you receive.
This meditation uses both a mantra, or repeated phrase to aid concentration, and mudras, or ritual gestures performed with the hands. Feel free to do as much as feels manageable for you.
If you enjoyed this meditation, consider subscribing to my Patreon, where I teach live Zoom classes and upload new pre-recorded classes every week. You can find it all right here.